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Organic chew pendant turquoise baja green
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{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil Microsoft Sans Serif;{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2067\f0\fs16 Organic chew pendant turquoise baja green\lang1043\f1 .\par
One of our original and best designs, the Organic Pendant is an award-winning chew necklace. \par
This beautifully shaped pendant hangs from a strong cord that can be adjusted according to your personal preference (one time adjustment only). It can be used as a sensory chew for teenagers and adults needing additional sensory input. It is also ideal for use as a nursing necklace so babies can hold and play with the smooth, soft silicone as they feed.\par
BPA, phthalate, PVC, cadmium and lead free, our Organic Pendant features out easily separating custom clasp for safe and effective chewing relief.\par
Our Organic Pendant can be washed with warm soapy water or wiped with a damp cloth. Length: 40cm hang.\par
NOTE: This pendant is for adults and teenagers (aged 13+) only and is not to be warn by young children.\par
\lang2067\u65279?NDIS: \u65279?Please see our NDIS Information page for more information. \f0\par